
Linux view cpu usage
Linux view cpu usage

linux view cpu usage

To view all running processes on your Linux system, execute the following command: $ ps aux The first step is to list all the running processes so as to identify/single out the one whose CPU usage will be of interest to us. Find CPU Usage of Singe Process Using ps Command Therefore, regardless of these two commands expressing a process’s CPU usage value as a percentage, their interpretation is different. Its interpretation of a process’s CPU usage is by referencing the last screen update in relation to the calculated and elapsed CPU time as a percentage of the CPU’s total time. Its interpretation of a process’s CPU usage is the percentage of time spent by the running process on the CPU to the period the process terminates.

linux view cpu usage

Before demonstrating their prowess in outputting the CPU usage of a single process, we should first understand how these two processes calculate or come up with CPU usage data. It is easy to use these two commands to print the CPU usage of all processes.

linux view cpu usage

ps vs top Commands Approaches to Linux CPU Usage This article will take a closer look at two Linux commands ( ps and top) that are sufficient enough in retrieving the CPU usage per system process either instantaneously or periodically. Therefore, it is often important to know which running process is using which resource and for how long. When we run/install application packages in a Linux OS environment, resources such as CPU cores for computation and memory are assigned to that running application via system/application processes. Resource management in Linux operating systems irrevocably intertwines with process management. One aspect of Linux operating system administration and computation that we must all strive to conquer is resource management. Living in the Linux operating system world gives you the computing power and exposure to achieve computing perfection either as a superuser or a Linux administrator.

Linux view cpu usage